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The Chee(t) Sheet



August 7, 2023

We are grateful to be part of the Kitigànensag project (Algonquin for “little gardens”) so we can grow vegetables and herbs for a shared meal together. We are excited about tomatoes, basil, pickles, and ground cherries! But, oh my..... plants are really good a growing



July 28, 2023

Persephone defended her Master's thesis today. So cool to see her use different approaches to triangulate differences between MCH cells. We are proud to be her teammate and can't wait to see her thesis work in print. 



Scholarship awards

May 2023

Congratulations Anjali (NSERC), Jenny (I-CUREUS), and Cassie (NSERC) on your awards to conduct undergraduate research in the lab this summer. We are excited to fold you into our team!

We are also proud to congratulate Bianca Bono who received a NSERC CGS Doctoral award this month. What a great way to kickstart her PhD program. Thank you NSERC for this tremendous opportunity and support!

Photo (L-R): Anjali, Jenny, Bianca, Cassie


Interview with Carleton Newsroom

January, 2023

Thank you Jenna Lynde-Smith from the Carleton Newsroom for taking an interest in our work and writing an article that made our work so relatable, and Brenna Mackay for assembling an engaging video about our lab!


Positions available

January 9, 2023

We have 2-4 openings for Honour's Thesis or Research Volunteers.

Interviews: One-on-one with Dr. Chee will on January 16 or 17. Prepare a statement to indicate your interests in neuroscience. Sign up opens January 11 at 10am here.

Lab Tour: View our lab spaces on January 16 from 2:30-3pm. The tour will meet and start from HS 5309 Sign up here.

Lab Open House: Meet our group, ask questions, hear about our projects. Drop in to HSB 2nd floor boardroom. RSVP here.